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On Sunday, Sept. 22, a one-day crane closure will take place in downtown for Commerce St. between 5th St. & 6th St. between 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Travel lanes will be completely closed between 5th St & 6th St.

DART renames three stations

April 12,2019

See full Progressive Railroading article here.

Dallas Area Rapid Transit's (DART) board earlier this week approved the renaming of three stations. 

Union Station in Dallas will be renamed EBJ Union Station in honor of U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), a major proponent for DART and public transportation, according to a DART press release. 

In 2016, Dallas officials renamed the physical property of Union Station — which serves DART, Trinity Railway Express and Amtrak — the Eddie Bernice Johnson Union Station. 

Fort Worth’s downtown station, known as the Intermodal Transportation Center, will now be known as Fort Worth Central Station. 

The Texas & Pacific Station will be renamed the Fort Worth T&P Station.

Location Mentioned: Fort Worth Central Station