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September 8, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., there will be a full road closure on W 5th St. between Houston St. and Main St. for a crane set-up at 515 Houston St.

Additional lane closures will be set up between Lamar St. and Houston St. to move traffic over.

Heritage, Paddock Park Projects Moving Forward

April 20,2021

See full Fort Worth Magazine article by Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. Staff here.

Downtown Fort Worth’s planned Heritage and Paddock park renovation projects, and related streetscape work, are moving forward, and Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, Inc. is soliciting public input on the design.

DFWII, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides a pathway for grants, charitable gifts, and other contributions to fund public-purpose downtown projects, has entered a contract for design services with MIG, a national design, planning, and architecture firm for work on the park projects. MIG has offices in San Antonio and most recently completed “Confluence: The Trinity River Master Plan.” The MIG team includes local partners Huitt-Zollars and Emraes. Bennett Benner Partners will continue its role as lead on the restoration of Heritage Plaza.

Downtown Fort Worth Initiatives, a sister of the Downtown Fort Worth Inc. organization, has scheduled three virtual public meetings to discuss design concepts and park enhancements, and receive community feedback.