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On Sunday, Sept. 22, a one-day crane closure will take place in downtown for Commerce St. between 5th St. & 6th St. between 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Travel lanes will be completely closed between 5th St & 6th St.

State of Downtown Breakfast

The event is SOLD OUT. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023 RESCHEDULED FEBRUARY 14, 2023 | 7:30 AM | The Fort Worth Club

Given the current weather forecast, we have rescheduled the State of Downtown Breakfast (initially scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2023).

NEW DATE: Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 7:30 AM at The Fort Worth Club.

Enjoy networking over breakfast as DFWI unveils the 2022 State of Downtown publication. The report is a yearly publication that offers an in-depth analysis of Downtown performance in economic, social, and education segments.

As of Q4 2022, more than $2 billion in Downtown development is planned or currently under construction. Join us to hear from guest speakers who will review the economic indicators that affected Downtown in 2022. 

Education: Dean Bobby Ahdieh, Texas A&M University School of Law
Retail: Johnny Campbell, City Center Fort Worth 

Hospitality: Bob Jameson, Visit Fort Worth
Office Market: Laura Bird, Anthracite Realty Partners
Residential Market: Leah Dunn, Leah Dunn Real Estate Group
Transportation: Chad Edwards, Trinity Metro

Thank you for your interest in the sold out event. Please contact Becky Fetty, to be placed on the waiting list.

Save the date for our Annual Meeting on April 13, 2023. Sponsorship opportunities are now available. 

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsors


Cantey Hanger

Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce

Fort Worth Housing Solutions

K&L Enterprises, Inc.


Origin Bank

Pinnacle Bank

PlainsCapital Bank

Simmons Bank

Skanska USA Building

Tarrant County College

Trinity Metro

Valliance Bank

Visit Fort Worth